A magical coming-of-age story that begins in the ‘70s, when Marta and Kevin discover each other only to have Kevin move away when they are on the cusp of realizing the power of their young love. Marta grapples with this loss as well as their dashed dreams as she journeys from her small farm in New Jersey―where she was always out of step―on to college and a career. She works hard to remake herself and live a life with more sparkle and spontaneity―something she only experienced effortlessly with Kevin. Focused on achieving the goals, she thinks are important to be safe and happy, she remains haunted by what might have been and wonders at what might have been if only she was a braver version of herself.
A chance encounter with a channeler who can transport people back to a juncture in their lives to reveal their road not taken has Marta jumping at the opportunity. But is she brave enough to channel back to Kevin? Discover what happens as Marta contemplates rewriting her future where she ultimately learns that sometimes one must lose something important to truly embrace who they are meant to be.
In this enchanting novel, an encounter with a mystical channeler allows soulmates to experience the road not taken. Exploring the profound impact first love can have on one’s life, Marta and Kevin’s story is one of a love that defies both time and space.
9/4/24: Author Andrea Ezerins talks about "Again and Again Back To You"
How does the concept of channeling with a mystical channeler add a unique and fantastical element to Marta and Kevin's love story?
How does the novel make the idea of channeling realistic and possible?
In what ways does Marta's journey to remake herself and live a more sparkling life reflect the universal theme of self-discovery and personal growth?
Explore the impact of first love on Marta and Kevin's lives, especially considering the challenges they face with separation and dashed dreams. How does this shape their individual paths?
Discuss the significance of the '70s setting in the novel. How does the cultural and historical backdrop contribute to the development of the characters and their love story?
Marta is described as feeling out of step with those around her in her small farm community. How does this theme of being out of sync with one's surroundings influence Marta's decisions and actions throughout the story?
Analyze Marta's internal conflict about being a braver version of herself. How do fear and courage play a role in her decision-making and personal growth?
The novel suggests that sometimes one must lose something important to embrace their true self. Explore instances in the book where characters experience this loss and transformation – Cholan, Marta and Kevin
The mystical channeler offers Marta and Kevin the chance to revisit a juncture in their life. If given the same opportunity, what pivotal moment from your own life would you choose to revisit and why?
Reflect on the novel's exploration of the enduring nature of soulmates. Do you believe in soulmates?
Do you have a special song or songs from when you were a teenager that makes you nostalgic?
The breathe rock symbolizes Marta and Kevin’s early love and Kevin’s importance to Marta. What does it symbolize when Marta throws it away?
What are some other symbols in the book? Pickle jars, American Pie song symbols include Pink Carnations, Pickup Truck. Discuss each of those and what the mean in the story?
What did you think of the ending of the book? Were you satisfied, saddened or surprised by the ending? Why?
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